30 Before 30
November 11, 2019
I've always read that it's a powerful thing to write down your goals—that writing them down somehow makes them more likely to come to fruition.
Well, a month before I turn 30, my thoughts have turned to a "30 before 30" bucket list that I wrote three years ago.
I‘be rarely thought about that list since I created it, but looking back on it now, I am amazed at how many things I've crossed off.
Some as big as travel to Europe and pay off J's student loans. Some as small as volunteer on a political campaign and send a Christmas card.
And two art-related—sell a painting and enter an art show...which is funny, because I wasn't thinking seriously about art at the time.
I share this with you to show that, even if you don't have a plan for getting there, giving words to your dreams has power.
And eventually, if you make them real enough to write them down, maybe your mind and body will eventually catch up and figure out how to make them happen.
P.S. One of my other goals was to run another half-marathon—which I did by running the St. Jude’s Half Marathon (always a dream!) on my 30th birthday. Talk about surreal!
2020 update: I may not have done these before I turned 30, but while I was 30, I crossed off two more items—take a road trip and see the Grand Canyon.
Now, to learn guitar and write my novel…