Hiking Mount Elbert


September 4, 2024

As part of my Everest trek training, I spent a week in Colorado this summer hiking at altitudes over 10,000 feet. We hiked 30 miles and gained 8,600 feet in elevation in a week, so needless to say, I’m feeling tremendously prepared! While there, I also hiked my second 14er and the highest peak in Colorado, Mount Elbert, at 14,440 feet.

Both times I’ve hiked 14ers (peaks above 14,000 feet), I’ve overheard and had conversations about mindset. While summiting Mount Elbert, I heard a guy say, “It’s all about mindset. Climbing one of these mountains can break you.” And I thought, yes… but climbing them can also make you stronger.

This time last year, I struggled to make it up my first 14er. My legs cramped with about 1,000 feet still left to go, and I thought I wouldn’t make it. I cried when I got to the top. I did it. I really did it.

Hiking my second 14er this year was almost euphoric. Having been training for a multi-week, high-altitude trek for the better part of this year, hiking Mount Elbert was a test. A benchmark.

Going in, I wondered—how had all this training transformed me? I knew this year’s hike would be different, and it was. I could see and feel it all—all the stairs walked, all the miles logged, all the physical therapy exercises and weight lifted aimed at getting my muscles to work the way they’re supposed to. Hiking Mount Elbert was just like the last 6 months, only at higher terrain and with better views.

Importantly, the words coming out of my mouth while on the trail were laser-focused. Someone asked us how we were? I said great. (A girl actually laughed when I said this.) Positive self talk, I told her.

When my muscles twinged and I thought they might cramp? Not today, I said, and I loved on them. Popping some Advil, electrolytes, and a bitter packet of mustard, I said THANK YOU calves. You’re doing incredible. I’m asking you to do a lot, and you’re doing it. Look at you!⁣

This was the talk, out loud, all the way up and down. Our bodies are awesome. They can do so much! Keep it up, body. Keep it up, muscles. You’re doing amazing.⁣

And the result? No cramps. No tears. Just calm, assured bliss knowing that I AM READY and I CAN DO ANYTHING. I was glad to be done when my GPS hit 9.9 miles and 5,400 feet gained, but could I have done more? Probably. Because with the right mindset and preparation, we can do anything.⁣

We are ALL capable of amazing things when we put our mind and action behind it.

Me? I’m focused on getting to the base of Everest in October.

What’s atop your list?