

April 3, 2022

Momentum is an interesting thing.

You might say that changing direction slows down your momentum. But what if, in the first direction, you were wading through mud? Stopping may slow you down initially, but what if turning around is the only way out of the mud?

Well then, changing direction doesn't slow you down at all; it helps you go faster.

I wouldn't say I've been wading through mud, exactly. But I can confidently say that I've been making things harder than they need to be. Like running on sand, if you will.

I've been putting this off long enough, so let me just cut to the chase: I’m taking an indefinite break from painting to focus on my first love, writing.⁣

If you've been following my journey for some time now, this may not surprise you. I started sharing about my lifelong dream to write a novel over a year ago, and despite some progress behind-the-scenes, my novel has gone largely unwritten. Why? In part because it's so easy to put off—for just one more art show, or just one more painting release, etc. etc.

If I'm completely honest, though, the real reason I haven't written my novel is that I've been afraid of losing momentum with my art.⁣

But what I've come to realize is this: We can't lose our momentum when we're acting in alignment with who we really are.⁣

Our momentum comes from our alignment. We can't lose it. And if anything, shifting focus reigns in our momentum—because our actions finally align with what we really want to do.⁣

I’m other words, I've come to trust that painting will wait for me just as writing always has. I can't “lose it,” because it isn't just a skill set—it's an expression that comes from deep within me, and it will always be there.⁣

I will continue to share stories and insights about available paintings here. But I won’t be making anything new for some time, as the bulk of my creative energy will be spent giving my writing the space it hasn't received since I started painting.⁣

My goal for the next few months is to finish a draft of my novel by June 30. And I’m so excited about it!

Want to hear more about a coming-of-age romance about a young woman defying expectations and finding herself? Hop on my email list for behind-the-scenes!