Big Vision
May 11, 2022
“I have a vision.” (Writes me, two years ago.)
“I live in a house in the woods. Custom designed and with custom finishes like gigantic windows and airy ceilings and elegant hand-crafted tile. My home gives me the energy I need to do all of the big things.”
“My studio is out back, just as custom and cozy as my home. It inspires and fuels my work, but also serves as a gathering place. For friends, for family, for retreat guests, for bright-eyed students, for emerging and thoughtful community leaders.”
“Nearby, a garden. 100% organic. It nourishes not only my family, but also those in the community who most need it and can't afford it.”
“Everything is sustainably and mindfully built. To capture rainwater, to reduce energy use, to support humane labor and manufacturing, and to last.”
“Those big things? A blend of the best of the best. Writing, art, travel, speaking, learning, hosting.”
“I've published several books, all on seemingly unrelated topics but all born of deep, deep passion and all me. Art entirely created from desire and felt deeply because of its honesty.”
“Creating and fostering community, others’ big dreams, and solutions to our world's greatest problems. Empowering, nourishing, connecting, enlightening.”
Two years later, and I wouldn’t change a thing.
But do you know what has changed? Me. My belief. My identity. My action.
I’ve heard it said that whatever follows “I am” or “I am not” is the most powerful spell you can put over your life—or the most destructive.
Your desires cannot out-perform your own self-image or your own identity.
The question for you and me is—who is that version of you who already has what she wants?
The Stephanie of two years ago believed that the only way to make her vision a reality was to follow the paths laid out by everyone else. And she was always disappointed because she didn’t listen or trust in herself.
But today? I am leaning in to my big, authentic vision.
I am a writer AND an artist. I create moving and powerful works of art in whatever medium calls for it.
I put me and my vision first. And I have become a force to be reckoned with.