Writing My Novel


May 25, 2022

journal and writing pen

I had dinner with a friend recently who asked me how the novel-writing is going. (Everyone’s favorite question nowadays.)

And I told her what I’ll tell you: It’s going great. Truly.

I reached 15,000 words or about 60 pages a few days ago, and my goal is to finish a first draft of at least 50,000 words by the end of June.

I’ll be the first to tell you that the writing isn’t perfect, but that’s 100% okay. Perfection was never my goal. Making progress and finishing a draft is.

The whole process has reminded me of a quote by Margaret Atwood on creative writing (though the concept applies to anything in life, really).

“The wastebasket is your friend,” she says.

AKA, it’s very hard to see where you’re going unless you’re in it—unless you’re doing the work and making mistakes and learning from them so your next move becomes crystal clear.

It’s like driving down a highway in the rain. You don’t have to know the shape of the entire highway. You just have to see a few feet in front of you, and you have to keep wiping the rain out of your eyes. You can't just sit by the road. Otherwise, you may spend your entire life just waiting.

Me? I started with an outline. A rough plan. I know the major plot points, how I want my novel to end, and what scenes might help me get there.

Most importantly, I know what I’m trying to say. I see and feel the bigger picture of why I’m writing a novel in the first place. And I’m keeping that vision front-of-mind when I find myself wanting to put off the writing or worrying about what others might think about it.

Because it’s not my job to try to control anyone’s reactions. It’s my job to create and share the thing. It’s my job to give the world the thing that’s been on my heart and mind for over a decade.

So, my question for you is this: What has been on your heart and mind for the last decade? And is perfection or wanting to control the outcome holding you back?

Remember: The wastebasket is your friend. Mess up and move on—but you have to at least get started.

Happy Wednesday, friends! OK, back to writing…

Things I’ve Enjoyed Lately

  • Margaret Atwood’s masterclass on creative writing. Have a chuckle watching this short trailer.